The First 24
Your first 24 hours are cool. You have the urge but it's controllable. Plus you're all motivated. Piece of Cake.
25 - 26
You're driving down the road listening to a new CD when suddenly a motorcyclist zips by. Pissed you horn loudly and maybe swear. All of a sudden that Motor cyclist looks like a lovely wrapped thing with a filter down the bottom with the words "Dunhill" on it.
27 - 28
You are gripping your fists tightly. The Cravings start to get worse and worse. You start grinding your teeth...
You have peaked....You are agitated at the slightest sounds and you would kill the person next to you just to suck on the teat of nicotine....You start taking deep breaths to calm yourself down
31 - 35
The main urge starts to die down but Withdrawal symptoms kick in. You are floating in the air...your lungs are breathing in more oxygen than they used to. You have a tightness in your chest and u feel light headed. You start to drink 5 cups of coffee and can never stop munching......You take a walk outside and breathe in some fresh air......this might be worth it after all...
36 - 39
Craving hits for a short time.....You get agitated again.....find guitar to play ......feeling sleepy....I have fought well's time to rest...

Friday, November 28, 2008
24 Dannos
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Cure: 4:13 Dream
I have been listening to the latest The Cure album entitled 4:13 Dream. Not gonna exactly give a review on it because I haven't had the time to go through the whole album yet, but I love the first track on it "Underneath the Stars". Sounds really really post reminds me of Explosions in the Sky or Whitelight
The Cure currently has the whole album on its Myspace page. Go check it those who think the music I listen to is noisy trust me you will like this....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Entertain your callers with David ARBUCHELALALALAta????
I received a SMS from Maxis today that said something along the lines of:
"SMS now. Entertain your callers with David Archueltalalllalaata's new single Crush...."
Don't worry friends,
I will certainly NOT put you through that torture....
And don't let me get started on what I think about American Idol. Don't they have some kind of karaoke contest back there in the states? Fuck, film that put it on national TV and there you go, you have American Idol.
The tagline for American Idol should be
"American Idol. Thrash magnet for lousy karaoke fans. Season 4"
Real musicians perform and write their own songs. Not songs that record labels force them to sing.
I managed to contact Simon Cowell in regards to this. I managed to ask him what he REALLY thinks about American Idol and this was his reaction:-
Nuff' said guys.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Indie Thinking; do YOU have it?
My company always encourages us to have our own independent thinking (I've created the term indie thinking in short) whenever we perform our work. Professional accounting bodies embodies the importance of independent thinking by incorporating this idea of independent thinking in their professional syllabusss which their members will have to take. In fact it can be even argued that the notion of freedom lies is the ability of one to have it's own independent thoughts.
However, in reality there our thoughts and ideas will always be constrained to what we have been taught in school or through our own education. Our independent thinking therefore is never really independent because they will always be influenced by some school of thought. For instance, an accountant who belongs to accounting body ABC will always base their so called independent thinking and judgements on their education received by that accounting body and will be influenced by their concepts.
So the main question would be, 'Can someone truely have indie thinking which is free from any constraint that an education organisation puts in place on an individual?'