I was fighting with myself whether to put up my new year's post either here in blogspot or in my new domain. (Yes I have a new domain) After thinking it through, i reckon that it is only right that I did my new year post here at blogspot which will be my last post ever. So Adios 2008 and Adios blogspot, I've had a freakin awesome ride....
Oh Eight....has just passed...
I know I am a little late in posting up my new year's resolution and stuff like that since it is already like 2.15pm on the 01/01/09, and I should have like put this up before the new year but HEY, I believe in PARTYING first... before getting on to stuff like this..Maybe my old man is right. I Always seem to put fun before anything else.
Ahhh Oh Eight ! You have been amazing. DAP taking over Penang, the C's beating the lakers, The REDEEM TEAM winning the gold, OBAMA and I turned 23....the economic crisis looming ahead...
Wow personally 08 has been an eventful year for me. Firstly got really closed to a great bunch of peeps at work. Che and aunty you have been awesome being big sisters that I never have had. Tze En, Tay Zen and Justin, my dudes, my mates and my role models in the office for me (ok la maybe not tay zen laaaa....hahaha). Lil Girl for being a lil sister (hahah i know ure older) that i can play with in the office. If it wasn't for us two in the Group, the rest of them would be just boring and too matured/old/boring....hahaha
DIdn't get promoted this year, but screw that...I PASSED MY CPA PAPERS baybeh......that means no more studying, no more mugging, no more studying about accounting standards that i dont really care about..........plus i met some real cool guys at indiegoat.com who are covering the music scence in Penang where i can get involved in the local music scence.
I have also gained an interest in Corporate Social Responsibility. I think thats the direction I want to move into in the future. I dont know i dont knwo....just keeping my options open..
This year I made 2 trips. One to Langkawi and one to Thailand which was just awesome. I ordered a fender jaguar bass guitar in December. Im now driving my mum's city. Che got married. It was the 2nd wedding that i wore a coat/suit in and played guitar. I bought a domain! I had a wicked 23rd birthday party
BUT What I think is even more important and the most awesome, wicked, puff, cool, deck (put in your hippest word here) that happened in Oh Eight would be that i decided that i should make God more relevant in my life now. All of a sudden (don't ask me why) i got bored of life, got bored of my job, got bored of drinking, got bored of smoking, got bored of trying to sleep around and decided to help out my youth one Saturday arvo and realised life is nothing without GOD. You can set yourself to do everything in life; Money,Drugs, Sex, Booze and Rock and roll you name it and at the end the only thing that you haven't done in life is dying.
I have realised that in no matter what you do, if GOD is not there, damm your life is worthless. As Ecclesiastes says, life without GOD is like chasing after the wind, pointless. (OKay it said somehting along those lines :P). I've decided to trust GOD in everything I do. DOnt get me wrong that doesnt mean im not gonna work hard and do things myself. I am still gonna work hard, still gonna try and meet a hot chick etc etc but it just means that I'm not gonna worry whatever happens and try to do things my way. Be it in work, study or relationships, I am done trying to do things my own way now...I'm leaving it up to God. Awesome huh?
So this coming 2009, with the economic crisis looming, ppl are predicting it's gonna be one hell of a ride. But i'm positive! It's gonna be a great year. GOD is in control, I am happier than I have been since i got back from Melbourne. Bring it on oh nine!
Blogspot, you have served me well....I started you when I was bored and lonely in Melbourne. I think my first entry was a lil sad and depressing hahaha but I am ending you on a High note. Birds are flying in the air, and dannoisawesome!
Adios 2008......you have been incredible. \m/