Ahh, I just realised one fucked up thing, I SUCK at blogging. No new updates, my blog has no groupies....ahh this is what it feels like to SUCK.
WELL if there are any loosers who are reading THE MOST SUCKIEST blog on the web created by the MOST NON SUCKIEST person in the world, here is a quick update what I've been up to:-
- As the picture says it...BEER BEER and more Beer
- Real Men eat REd Meat (real men also eat red Meat)
- Watched an A-League game...Go Victory
- Harassed (yea i was drunk) fucking foreign taxi drivers who didnt want to take me and my mates home...(Fuck You retard taxi drivers. Go Fuck OFF!)
Oh yea...to all you fuckers out there (esp. in Malaysia) "Only retards wear their collars up" I mean what the fuck are you trying to do? Its just so bloody retarded.

I can't actually believe that I would be going back to Penang so bloody soon. Although there is no place like home, man there are just too many retards who wear their collars up, listen to only mainstream stuff, loves to shuffle but has never been to melbourne (Oh i fucking hate shufflers anyway. Go screw yourselves and get a life you bloody junkies) and most probably be playing DOTA 24/7. I mean I have not much beef with all those things mentioned, (just the collars) but thats like the only sub-culture of ppl that Malaysia has in general.
In Melbourne you get your Goths, your punks, the ravers, your stoners, your acid junkies, your speed junkies, the intellectual, the Footy Junkies and the soccer junkies, JUNKIES and you get ppl like me. Ppl who drink beer, eat nachos, talk shit about EVS (EVS means whatever) and who are just having a fucking Blast!!