You know, I will be honest with you all. I was never really enthusiastic about nature shows. Back in Penang we don't even subscribe to the Nature programs. (Although my mum would most probably would want to swap my ESPN for it) However, I declare myself very lucky to have caught some of the adventures of Steve Irwin, the Croc Hunter before he tragically passed away on the 4th of September.
Steve Irwin, the guy who wrestled with the crocodiles. The guy who risked his life just so that he could educate the world on Aussie outback animals. Steve Irwin, the tough macho man who loved the outback so much that he wept like a baby when one of his beloved crocs died. There was never a man that was so passionate and dedicated about animals as Steve Irwin was.

I was very fortunate enough to have visited his zoo on the 11th of July 2006. What made me even more lucky was that he and his family were filming some shots and they dropped by to wave and say a few words to the crowd.

My aunt and cousin told me "Thats worth a million bucks!" It is pretty rare that they would be at the zoo as they would often be filming for one of their nature shows. Now that I think about it, their words have really struck me. I may have been the last ever Penangnite to have ever seen the famous Steve Irwin.
Steve Irwin, the face of Australia. Ask any of my mates back in Penang who John Howard is and you'll most probably get "Who da fuck is that?" But EVERYONE knows who Steve Irwin was. REST in PEACE, Steve. We will never get to hear you say "CRIKEY!" ever again.