A very wise man once said "Here's to alcohol, the cause of—and solution to—all life's problems." And that was what my company trip to Phuket and My joint birthday bash with my cousin Jo was all about.
" Alcohol"
actually strike that out......it should be

There is nothing like the sweet taste of Redbull and Jagermeifter. The thing with these bad boys is that it taste so freakin nice you don't feel a thing and you can smash em. The effect comes later when you're lying down on the ground by the poolside wondering if the bird flying in the sky is actually superman.
I'll post up separate posts by the end of this week about the two events that TOTALLY changed my life (okay im exaggerating.....). So for anyone still visiting my blog just wait for it....

actually strike that out......it should be

There is nothing like the sweet taste of Redbull and Jagermeifter. The thing with these bad boys is that it taste so freakin nice you don't feel a thing and you can smash em. The effect comes later when you're lying down on the ground by the poolside wondering if the bird flying in the sky is actually superman.
I'll post up separate posts by the end of this week about the two events that TOTALLY changed my life (okay im exaggerating.....). So for anyone still visiting my blog just wait for it....

update more often la, dick. ur blog rocks wei i need a dose every now and then
royalty payments pls. photo copyrighted. some rights reserved.
wanster:- yup ive just updated. been busy with work and studying and stalking chicks.....u know what i mean
seank:- will mention that when i do put more photos up....i thought i would be allowed to put em up without ur permission since ive been lighting candles for you
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