Thursday, November 13, 2008

Entertain your callers with David ARBUCHELALALALAta????

I received a SMS from Maxis today that said something along the lines of:

"SMS now. Entertain your callers with David Archueltalalllalaata's new single Crush...."

Don't worry friends,

I will certainly NOT put you through that torture....

And don't let me get started on what I think about American Idol. Don't they have some kind of karaoke contest back there in the states? Fuck, film that put it on national TV and there you go, you have American Idol.

The tagline for American Idol should be

"American Idol. Thrash magnet for lousy karaoke fans. Season 4"

Real musicians perform and write their own songs. Not songs that record labels force them to sing.

I managed to contact Simon Cowell in regards to this. I managed to ask him what he REALLY thinks about American Idol and this was his reaction:-

Nuff' said guys.

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